These questions concern amy's special powers on storytelling and sir fazle's on disaster
1 storytelling - amy for 33 years now dad norman macrae and i have argued human sustainability will depend on massively opening space for and viralising jobs good news storytelling. The first day i met you i thought storytelling was your special power- ok i am arrogant but its because of that perception that I am quite proud of many of the people i have introduced you to. So here is a series of questons- next weekend may be the last time you, me and yuxuan can be toigether to skype people. Should we see if we can arrange a skype to ask chuck one last time if he was offering you a job conditional on what goals. If not chuck, how about a skype asking whether he you ian ryder, john caswell and me need to meet to discuss whether we have enought contacts at bbc and british council to pitch why they need you. There are particular connections on the billion jobs of green -which muhamad yunus club of astronauts want universityofstarsgaran prince charles wants , lord sainsbury's daughter wants , what 3 bbc tv presenters she knows (and mostofa, burgess and i have contacted want that), ambassador networks of the british council want, royal societies of georgarphy and arts want - action networking good jobs news is the number 1 skill britain's bbc could be marketing in a world where its separation from the Europe has put all of its youth's international partbers at risk. Wherever rotten politics or rotten banking has ended up erecting trade or other walls between nations, global youth networking jobs good news is the antidote to make characters like trump and hilary redundant (ironically vested interest mass tv media democracy is even worse than communism often was because ultimately its the same broken system of designing a nation around a few people's top down planning and tv inflated egos -zero chances of human sustainability in spiralling that). Its what youth of green brunei want, what the youth ambassador to king of cambodia want - both of whom you had breakfast with day 1 of 3 at world bank summit on youth in development, and who want to help dubai build uae youth's connections round the world
Stateside we know sam wants green tv; naila and rosa parks lawyer fred gray knows the family that founded CNN wants that; at the IADB's 2014 version of demand solutions they sent their youngest latino producer to compoetre the summit.. John Kiehl has said he wants to design an app that datamines all the datawebs with green news which summarises what those tv stations know in usable opportunity form. Rosalia who hosts quite year 1 Unhabitat review of goal 11 has often told me she wished green education curricula could free bith children and teachers- after all she is the past ;presidnt of ecuador and ecuador was where darwin's field srudied theory of natiral selection and evolution/survival of fittest. David firth 15 years ago used to be a leader of open spaces applied to this area with support from leading naturalists at the university of bath and at that time the UK maheo networks most connecetd to gunter paukli's blue green economy's jobs.
Bangladesh's and the world's number 1 expert on bottom-up disaster resilience
As sustaionability girls greatest value multiplying system designer this is one of sir fazle's abed families top 10 skills and opportunity curricula for girls and community buodlers. Have we searched out in chiense which beijing poverty allevitaion organsiation also has official permission for bottom-up disaster networking - this has 3 components- 3 reslilience preparedness of communituies, 2 actual dusater releif, 1 uniting all cultuitres the development relief could turn into development. Oddly enough jim kim wouldnt be wjhere he is today if it wasnt for the youth exchnage connections between medical skills and the stage that disaster relief can turn into development. This could/should have been a primary opportunity for globasl youth at vatican to be linking in now.
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