george tobola rota - treach out asia
gced youth as agents of long term relationships
how volunteerring helps youtconnects as citozens
caitlin unesco in doha 3 years from australia unesco
lakitia programming officer virgina commonwealth partners -service learning international directors- also student life and culture transitions also north wester uni in doha for 10 years originally from los angeles
connections with rose - joining frommleg=banon loca org in lebanon supportingyouth at risk and with dusability helping them being activemembers of society - innovation ways for youth - awesme job for me
akmed - i world fonministry in doha; born herte; founder youth for envoronment try any locally action the goals
first in rota theink local global seroes rota arrange actions parters univesities - celbrating spoecial un days tryong ti inspire teriary students in qatar - just webinar 1
q to caitlin how does unesco define global youth cirizenship
well unesco coordnates goal 4
so citizenship goes to goal 4.7 -caitlin
prevuously education seen as contrubting tofamily economy
u now concerendewd with holiustic development of thelearners contributing to just sustaiavle workd
3 pillars coginitive- critocial analysis
2nd level social empotional shared values - eg global citizeb sees deforestratipn imacring diverse ways
3rd leve behascioral where volunteer meets global citizeb
see fab tresource gde campus gced
latisha vcuarts
-also liberal arts program
fashion desifgners can remake wirld sustainvle materia fashion design merchanding interdiscipliay ways of grwoing commericaial ars to tacle social challenges
our most experienced volunteer coordinators next - rota welcomes rose and akmed long term partners of rota
rose lebanon in 2017 met people from lebano to qatar to morocco with rota youth advisory group from misha 24 youth across mena region shatig isdeas researchbmontioring valuation
worked in teams on this across aran=b world
across conitnts sports for socil impact, erasmus class, all have helped me with my soft skills perspecrive needed to bring global confidence when i cam baxk to act locally in lebanon - volunteervexoerience in circus- all apprenticed my own employability
ackmmed your volunterering journey -
looking for things that change my envirinment - projects cal also change me
travelled eg to tunisia - i had dropped out from university but meeting people inntunisua who needee help more than me
i was able to givethem english and fisrat aid classes with canadians etc - by hekpojg mentor them i grew my confidence and linked some exctinbg organisations local impsacts
youth agency - cf carnegie framework cf tufs youth engagemnent
practice the qualities of reatuvity sustainability how can volunteering be the pathway
caitlin commitong time to cause bigger than yourself is notivating character buyilding - practiceat network wuith civil socity - actioning the ngos- thinkoutside box to do with limited resources
by coming from ourside traditional org - can mediate, negotiates, inspites others to access . poistive enthusiam multuipleies
question i ask as an educator overlsap bewten pearcive volunterr sand more formal edu cf marta -mutually reinforcing changeedu system the more volunrewer practice
lamitha lrarnig by doing arts parter local nepal association
field study trips arioung world in experiential learning
art work helps do this eg in our visit to greece museums
different world viewthan own lovality - loking inard and outsude at same time
world citizen - cf what gandhi meant
to vbe community builder vcu - to be worldwitizeb - exhibition poerry/arys excibitions to exporess feeling durig pandemic cf song - our students also get chane to yeach arttherapy lessos - reseiging jewelry, indigenous solutions jumper for workes inb cibstruction sites rhat help cool them down
over to rose-- in lebanon
as child very wooried - in my 20s the3se global connectons freed me from just local struggle -volkunteering one month in spain
pracice in georgia villages
aha regardless of location born youh hve many same problems -have examples of success and tragedy - societoes only grow when collectib=vvity comes from tranlating working resilient caring society idea from abriad to local
helped me love country more in spite of our troubles
over to akmed
by volunterring i became more resonsible
being given platfprm to see diffet ideasvround world
the believeinyouth helpijg yoputh crrate the future- example envronmetal actions in dhainstead of just theoreticalpolicy
caitlin from un perspectiove volunteer agency unv web great examples of volunter projects for graduates -look out for whether interns give volunteer
latisha - deliver eg water to local construcio sitesv see learn do
rose --
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