Charter of principles
Considering that:
- the initiative to have periodic World Environmental Education Congresses has been taken since the First WEEC was held in Espinho (Portugal), in 2003;
- the Second WEEC held in Rio (Brazil) and the Third WEEC held in Turin (Italy), successfully concluded the “constituent phase”, paving the way for the establishment of an International Network of Environmental Educators;
- the Fourth WEEC, held in Durban (South Africa) inaugurated the second phase of biennial WEECs, counting on a calendar of regular events to be convened every two years;
- in terms of the level of participation, and the cultural and scientific quality of its contribution, the WEEC has proved to be an important instrument for the progress of environmental education worldwide;
- the proposal to establish a Permanent Secretariat, based in Turin (Italy), was advanced at the First Congress, with the aim of guaranteeing the continuity of the events, the handover from one congress to another, and the ongoing exchange of reflections, information and proposals;
- it is important to facilitate mutual cooperation and exchange among those who are committed to reflecting on the link between the environment and education, considered in its formal and informal components (teaching, training, communication and theory).
- there is a need to establish an international network of researchers and practitioners in environmental education as a way to promote active, informed and responsible citizenship, as a condition for a more peaceful, fair and ecological human society, to guarantee an equitable access to natural resources, and a harmonious relationship among human beings, other living beings and the planet;
The signatories of the present Memorandum endorse the following points:
- The preamble is the very basis of the present memorandum.
- The memorandum defines the principles, inspirations and general objectives of the international network of environmental educators.
- The regulation to be followed for organizing biennial congresses, as well as for developing specific actions, will be detailed in separate memorandum and implementation plans.
Finally, the signatories of the present memorandum are also committed to:
- Cooperating to strengthen the WEEC process in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the congresses and their results, the quality of debate, and broad participation, especially of youths and of researchers and professionals from economically disadvantaged countries, in a spirit of respect for gender, racial, social, religious, political and cultural differences.
- Facilitating the dissemination of information, documents, proposals and results of scientific research.
- Contributing ideas, proposals, and information to the activities of the WEEC Network, considered as a participatory instrument that is open to public as well as private institutions, grassroots associations, individual researchers and professionals, especially during the WEEC. Constantly updating the Permanent Secretariat about the progress and the results that are achieved through the network in general.
- Widening the participation in the WEEC Network, by facilitating the dissemination of information and the opportunities for exchange in each individual country or world region.
- Signing ad hoc agreements with the Permanent Secretariat and drafting detailed plans of action to implement specific activities and initiatives with the aim of strengthening the network.