our younger half under 30 in 2020 will know within 40 years whether planet earth is inhabitabele for all or most of 10 billion people (the most likely population if ptojecxted from current behaviors)
lets start with Mapping- of 5 places that innovation parnerships will most determine green transformation 4.5 are unknow to the constitutions of the rich west by which we mean notrth america, parts of european union- we need a united nations 2.0 that represents the unknown future challenges with as much commitmemt as the rich places- please note these are not the only vital maps but they illustrate the diversity of challenges
map 1 arctic circle- this is where the west might know ha;f of the challenge - when you look at the arctoc citcle it has 2 continental roofs - the new worlds alaska and canada- the old world - predominantly russia though nordica represents west european end- there is also an island iceland and a huge almost unpoulated territory greenland administered by denmark- most of the worlds carbon energy is located in arctic circle so may be a lot of greener energy- the arctic circle poses big problems to mediate- the historical superpower crisis us-russia; the actual needs of inhabitants including native people which remain culturally unknown to most of western intellectuals- thefact that warming of this region will flood the rest of the planet but might actually make the far north more inhabitable with new trade routes previously iced up
map 2,3 in terms of population numbers- asia's east coast by which we mean map 2 asia north east of singapore explains the trading survival of a third of the world-and map 3 by which we mean those whose lives depend on asias compex south coast north west of singapore- primarily the subconintemt which to 1948 the brits ruled as india- a quarter of all people; at the west asian end this coast is blocked by the gulf and the panama canal -we'll come back to this as map 4
map2 in more detail mainly chinese, but with japanese and koreans contributing to innovation and the huge aripalegos of indonesia and phillippines representin top 15 land areas and people populations- make a comparison betwee this hi-tech east coat of old world's east and us west the hi-tech coast of the west where betwwen 2 to 5% of peoples livelihoods are directly impacted depending on which of usa live nearest west coast or the whole of the usa's dependence on west coast tech
map 3 subcontinentof india- a double bay region- the bay of bengal why calcutta was the overall capital of british india for all but 34 years of administration; the routes you can see looking out of mumbai- the whole of west africa to the south; the gulf and uae parrall or slightly noth of mumbai; and the canal if you sail round the middle east lanblock to where the 3 continents of afroca, asia europe merge; entering the med sea mainly europes biggest bay area but one which since 1500 became dominated most by north sea peoples interests
so map 4 is the middle east
and for diversitys sake dont forget that a quarter of all nattions are small developing islands -with very little peole and land resources most depend on huge ocean estates- what happens to plastic and chemicals potential destruction of fishing is outside these islands control as are hurricanews and cuclones which many of the sids are in natures runways; often these islands have historically had below average digital connections too- probably relyinng on tourism- a market itself dependent on global health; ,,,
as we say these are just 5 of the mosturgently different spaces on earth to those washington dc or brussels-berlin likes to rule over financially and legally and with armed forces-
to go green it will take all od us
mediators, educators, parents
professions of metrics , finance
cirporate sector leaders
place leaders from global to map 5 to trading blocks to nations to cities to communities
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