
Saturday, December 9, 2017

These are critical times for human sustainability. As our family first reported in survey of Entrepreneurial Revolution The Economist 1976- don't expect big western organisations - corporate, gov or charity, to lead most breakthrough innovations for sustainability

we would welcome help in clarifying who has truly led green innovation (and who has done the opposite)

Let's start with microsolar : the use of solar to transform lives of rural peoples who were not reached by the electricity grids of the carbon-fuelled industrial age

It would appear that the first working photovoltaic cell was invented in Bell Labs; but didnt particularly fit anything Bell wanted to commercialise

the knowledge networks of Williams and Freling celebrated this breakthrough. Williams haf been appointed in President Jimmy Carter's creation of a department of energy with the briefing to advance solar. Whilw the carbon and nuclear industries blocked solar progress - the consequence of the department of energy was to help reduce energy consumption by about 15% and to start up a lifetimes passion of Williams for microsolar. He formed the SELF network to develop microsolar mainly in India; as the wife of his co-founder Freling spoke chinese it was natural to help rural areas of china develop solar; williams shared his knowhow with bangladesh' muhammad yunus who in 1996 wanted to launch both village mobile phones and microsolar

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1950s Eastern Hemisphere Liftoff- the role of Demings in building Japan as first post-industrial economy- without quality systems advances in minaturising electronics (eg sony) and so computing would have been delayed in spite of von neumanns  open sourcing of his work at Princeton- as would such expoential multipliers as programmable chips, satellite communications.

South Korea became the second sizable nation to advance quality system industries. Easter superports operate primarily by chinese diaspora grw these win-win markets with diaspora becoming the 3rd largest financial economy after usa and japan by mid 1970s. The seeds were planted for mainland China to grow. While Western world trade was struggling with such zerosum legacies as colonial relationships and wars over big get bigger's addiction to carbon, the eastern economy was driven far more by human not military needs of the newt technologies; suoercity infrastructures gave the East a different growth pattern than the west. All of these eastern market patterns turned 1976-2075 into growth led by China-Asian-Pacific-worldwide century:
Japan and Soith Korea
Diaspora China supoerports
Mainland China
Bangladesh's extraordinary (beyomd top-down aid) paradigm of 8th largest nation developed by world's poorest village women  livelihoods driven education system- see eg www.fazleabed.com



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