
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I am confused because i look at leading features of emerald planet and Ashden Awards, sustainable and renewable energy in the UK and developing world and often they seem to be different but that may be because i dont understand the search of emerald planet. Lord Sainsbury's daughter runs ashden is an extended friend of mine - and so amy - because dad used to play tennis with lord sainsbury (also a major shareholder of The Economist) 

rather randomly i was looking at ashden's 2016 award winners to be celebrated in 3 weeks time- i found story of sun king- founded by a student in 2005 in us but from india- now installed solar for 4 million households in off grid world , and mention of this white house summit october 2015 https://www.greenlightplanet.com/en/2015/11/green-light-planet-on-capitol-hill/ (wonder who linked in what there)

i couldnt find this in emerald planet
Specific questions:
when chuck says if amy searches out enough partnerships in high quality jobenomics tv series, may be you will find her a job, is ashden's leadership goodwill something amy should be spending some time on; when john says he is thinking of writing an app to crawl across collaborative websites of green - is that a lot of work and to do that does one need special permissions from the web owners?

Sorry if these are naiive questions -this is just an example of one of 100 connections i have which i wish i could pass on to the 4 of you's mutual/sustainable benefit
it gets much more complicated if i then ask could all of that benefit chinese youth team  who are TRYING (oops if King's concap lecture correct last night who WILL) interface multidimensional partnerships with brac's 100000 community coaches of apps that end poverty by creating jobs for poorest

thanks chris  www.worldclassbrands.tv 

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